To the GMHBA! Our members consist of licensed builders, associates, specialty contractors, vendors, and other building-related professionals. On this site you will find a current list of our state licensed builder members and a current list of our associate members that will cover every aspect of building services.
The Georgia Mountain Home Builders Association is a nonprofit trade association representing and uniting the building industry in the Georgia counties of Rabun, Towns and Union. To serve its members, the association provides educational programs, informs its members of technological improvements and building code changes, and provides a forum for social interaction and involvement. As the voice of the housing industry, the association strives to create and promote a favorable climate for quality construction.
Are you planning to build or remodel a home, commercial building, or considering some other type of construction that would require the use of a builder/contractor? If so, you need to know about Georgia’s Residential & General Contractors Licensing Law. In 2004, the General Assembly established the State Licensing Board for Residential and General Contractors. O.C.G.A. § 43-41-1 through 43-41-17. The licensing
requirements imposed by this chapter went into effect July 1, 2008. State licensing safeguards consumers to regulate and protect against faulty, inadequate and unsafe contractors. State licensed contractors must meet requirements as to competency,
ability, integrity and financial responsibility.
Selecting a state licensed professional builder/contractor is a great first step. Choosing a builder/contractor who is a member of the local Home Builders Association could help to insure a high degree of professionalism.
Click the BUILDERS MEMBERS tab to see a list of our licensed builder members and their contact info.
To verify your builders/contractors
license go to
To find out more info about Georgia license law to to...
”Every man owes a part of his time and money to the business or industry in which he is engaged. No man has a moral right to withhold his support from an organization that is striving to improve within his sphere.” -Theodore Roosevelt
Georgia Mountain Home Builders Association
GMHBA P.O. Box 626 Clayton, GA 30525 US